long live the yahoo group
the yahoo group is dead. i deleted it yesterday, in case you were wondering. obviously it was a failed experiment in social engineering. i concede.
You always wanted to know what the Keers were up to. Now you can. Grumpy old men, upstart feminists, raging libertarians, and general discontent.
“It is almost always possible to present an intellectually honest and engaging account of any field, using a minimal of technical apparatus. This is seldom done, however, since most priesthoods (mathematicians included) are inclined to hide behind a wall of mystery and to commune only with their fellow priests.”
Anzaldi's sentiment is shared by state Assembly members Marion Crecco (R-Essex)and John Rooney (R-Bergen),who have long proposed legislation making English the official language of New Jersey. The state officials feel English provides aI can see that attitude taking hold here.
cultural tie that binds diverse groups together.
''If you don't understand English, you are not going to succeed in the U.S.," said Rooney, who, like many English-only proponents, also takes issue with bilingual education. "People say I'm being prejudiced. I'm not being prejudiced. I'm trying to give them an opportunity."
Another federal bureaucracy—the US Postal Service—already considers us part of Paterson. Hawthorne’s two zip codes—07506 and 07507—often come up “Paterson, New Jersey” in our magazine subscriptions and on national address software programs.
It’s annoying and a recent postcard to borough residents was the final insult.
Addressed to “postal customer,” it was an announcement about an
upcoming passport fair at Paterson’s Ward Street office. It would have been
welcome news except that it’s predominant language was Spanish. The English
translation was in much smaller type, intended to be a secondary
Instead of a positive public information campaign, (solicita tu pasaporte en este evento del servicio postal™ cerca de ti) it turned out to be a public relations disaster to those of us who consider English our country’s official language.